== thoughts of a deer ==
a blog is a blog is a blog is a blog


hello world,

my name is Dena ^__^ and so far I spent an uncomfortably amount of time with computers and the internet during my life and it seems like that is not likely to change anytime soon.

In the past I had several blogs. Sometimes on blogspot, sometimes self-hosted Wordpress instances, and sometimes something entirely different. But they all have one thing in common: they are lost in the sands of time.

I’m not great at writing, but I decided to give it another shot. Mainly because I want to create notes for myself about things - and why not in a way that could be interesting to someone else. Maybe it will even help me think about certain topics, as the process of writing is usually bringing some order to my mind (similar to rubberducking). We’ll see, but I’ll keep the expectations low and gentle :)

Also I think it’s really fun (and helpful for self-reflection) to revisit older creations of myself - it can serve as a little time capsule from the moment that I typed this into my keyboard. And what could be more fun than debating with your past self? Endless entertainment!

bye. :)

[email]    hey@denalena.de
[mastodon] @dena@chaos.social
[matrix]   @dena:catgirl.cloud